APDL can generate reports to display your APDL data in various ways. The Reports page is accessed by tapping on the Reports menu item. It gathers all the available reports in one place and is broken up into sections of different types of reports. Reports are generated at and can also be viewed at APDL.net where they always have the latest data available. You can also explore additional functionality with these and more reports at APDL.net


APDL is capable of opening reports on your Mac in a web browser or another iPad using Apple's Handoff feature. If you have one device running APDL and a Mac or separate iPad open at the same time, when you generate a report within APDL, the handoff icon at the lower left of your Mac or iPad screen will be displayed. Using this icon will open APDL.net to the specific report you are viewing within APDL which, as shown above, gives you additional functionality and filtering options than the app alone.