
Multiple settings are available for you to customize your resume as you would like it to appear. APDL can generate a portion of the resume data for you while others require your manual input.

Contact Info

Edit your contact information to be used on your Resume.


The objective page contains several free form entry fields for you to configure the objective statement and summary statements that will appear on your resume.


APDL can automatically enter your flight certifications into your resume. Select the appropriate options to have them entered on your resume. You can add additional endorsements not listed in the free form addendum section at the bottom.

Flight Experience

APDL can use your flight time entered in the app to generate totals for your resume if enabled here. A preview of what these totals will look like is displayed below. A free form addendum section is available for additional details.


A free form entry area is provided for you to enter your education information.

Work History

APDL can use your work history entered in the app to generate employment history for your resume if enabled here. If you would like to enter your own work history instead, disable "Use Logbook Data" in order to type in the "Summary" block. An addendum is available for non-flying related work experience as well if desired.


Professional and/or personal references can be entered in the free form entry area.

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