This is primarily a maintenance release to address issues related to iOS 11 and changes related to the iPhone X layout.
Detailed Revisions
** Bug
* [AI-4143] - Setting>Airline Pay Rate and Per Diem turn black when edited
* [AI-4151] - Resume to Status Board shows hint then hint disappears immediately
* [AI-4228] - Menu grayed out on resume
* [AI-4252] - Adjust duty times doesn't work with SCR
* [AI-4283] - Status Board Map Widget not showing weather radar overlay
* [AI-4290] - crash in Legality Detail view
* [AI-4302] - Logbook (on iPad) date nav not sequencing months properly
* [AI-4306] - Crashes to home screen when trying to change default FO name
* [AI-4309] - Menu appearance issues
* [AI-4315] - Detecting schedule change when there isn't one
* [AI-4316] - Default Approach does not Populate - Remove feature, pilots should explicitly assign the approach
* [AI-4321] - Schedule view jumps to wrong month when scrolling stops
* [AI-4324] - Default Payroll Category Not Being Assigned to Imported Trips
* [AI-4325] - Calendar view cells have layout issues when rotated
* [AI-4326] - Logbook view nav bar title not centered vertically
* [AI-4327] - Section header colors inconsistent
* [AI-4329] - Calendar view doesn't alway return to same position
* [AI-4333] - Unable to change Settings > General > Time Zone settings
* [AI-4336] - Crash when end of Settings Checklist reached
* [AI-4339] - Cells disappear when reused in iOS 11
* [AI-4340] - Calendar view navigation bar is autohiding
* [AI-4341] - Legality Detail start with first section partially visible
* [AI-4346] - Leg Editor autoscrolls to wrong section
* [AI-4347] - Settings > Resume rows do not use row selection, no feedback on row tap
* [AI-4349] - Hotel editor not showing saved data
** Task
* [AI-4212] - Logbook view doesn't jump to correct month when trip spans month end
** Improvement
* [AI-4265] - Syncing Notes seems slow
* [AI-4284] - Review implementation of AutoFill Now and when the row/button shows
* [AI-4303] - Ensure iPhone X layout