APDL 9 is a major update to the APDL - Airline Pilot Logbook platform. Revisions are noted below but major areas of interest in this update are: New Reports, LATT support, and FAR 1.1 support. We again want to say thank you to our outstanding beta teams that assist us in features, testing, and feedback. APDL is extensively tested months prior to release to ensure you have the best experience when released to all.
Revisions in this major update:
- New: Reports! Local and Server generated reports in a new Reports menu section. As new reports are created they will appear automatically in your app
- New: Last Available Takeoff Time (LATT) You can now enter your planned taxi, estimated time in route, and planned taxi in time to get accurate latest block out and takeoff times, including remaining available taxi time. LATT can be accessed from a new Status Board widget or from the Leg editor
- New: FAR 1.1 Flight Time definition support. You can now enter a Taxi Time (aircraft moves under its own power for the purpose of flight). When Taxi Time is entered, flight time and cumulative limits use the less restrictive FAR 1.1 Flight Time; otherwise, Block Time (Out to In) is used
- New: Aircraft Photos are now synced across devices
- New: Notes (Hotel, Crew, Leg, Airport, etc.) are now searchable within the Search view
- New: Add No Trip Rig payroll type
- Enhance information in Calendar View
- Commute flights are now fetched on demand vs. automatically
- Fix name of Republic Airline
- Add CYFJ to airport database
- Don't show Check Schedule feature if not supported by airline
- Improve verbiage of legality messages
- Add time deltas to various presentations such as current blocked out leg in Status Board
- Show ETA time delta in Status Board Current/Next Flight widget
- Improvements to rest calculations with airport standby/reserve operations
- Fix missing data on payroll view
- Improve legality PDF
- Improvements for battery consumption such as in automated background schedule checking
- Indicate if cumulative calculations are actual or projected in Legality Detail PDF
- Improve hints system throughout
- Include all flown legs for a duty period when calculating LBO and LAT even when flown out of scheduled order
- Allow actual out and in to be saved for Deadhead flights
- Use actual first flight in Duty editor when Adjust Duty Time tapped
- Use actual last flight to display layover airport in Schedule and Month views
- Fix bug where Airport Standby was flagged as split duty
- Fix various UI anomalies
- Fix incorrect block displayed in Leg editor for deadheads when first created
- Fix crash when flying augmented, but not enough crew entered
- Show ETA time delta in Status Board Current/Next Flight widget
- Improvements to acclimated theater
- Various other performance improvements and enhancements
We hope you're enjoying APDL - The Airline Pilot Logbook and welcome your suggestions either in public or private from the appropriate options in the app's Communication area. We also welcome your positive app reviews in the Apple app store to show your appreciation to our hard working developer team working hard to ensure you have a great app and user experience to aid the challenges faced as an airline pilot. Thank you for choosing APDL and being a part of the NC Software team.