This release is another significant release to APDL - Airline Pilot Logbook for iOS. Please see the revisions below:
Revisions in this Release:
- New: ATC Flight Plan Route
- Added Planned Route Widget in Status Board view
- Show Planned and Actual Route in Weather Map view
- Added Copy Route shortcut in Trip view to all Leg cells
- Present notification when route changed
- New: Expected Departure Clearance Time (EDCT) Support
- Show EDCT in Current Leg widget in Status Board view
- Present notification when EDCT changes
- Use EDCT to set estimated out or off
- New: Default Rest Facility
- Added Default Rest Facility to Aircraft Type editor
- Added Rest Facility to Aircraft Tail editor
- Added Rest Facility Override to Leg view
- New: Handoff reports through Safari to view on other devices.
- Fix issue that may cause crashes shortly after launch
- Fix negative values in yearly payroll summary
- Fix condition in weather map timeline that shows a leg after the leg is deleted
- Fix crash when setting Aircraft Type
- Fix Problem Report Submit button covered by keyboard
- Fix notifications not showing for trips
- No flights appear in timeline on Weather Map in some cases (no recent flying)
- Fix alignment for alerts
- Fix Legality Detail PDF report crashing app
- Force Sync after loading trips via APDL Toolkit
- Refresh legality after deleting duty
- Improve Check Schedule failure message
- Fix crash when Crew has all lowercase first name
- Time in type not correct when time is 58 or 59 minutes
- Legality Detail PDF has inconsistent times
- Trip view shows flights with same number as both closed
- + can’t be entered in min credit field
- Legality calcs run multiple times slowing down launch
- Fix Acclimated location error
- Disable Copy Route when there’s no internet
- Remove spinner from Status Board Planned Route
- Revise terminology and use of Aircraft Type vs. Aircraft vs. Tails
- Various other performance improvements and enhancements
We hope you're enjoying APDL - The Airline Pilot Logbook for Apple's iOS platform and welcome your suggestions either in public or private from the appropriate options in the app's Communication area. We also welcome your positive app reviews in the Apple app store to show your appreciation to our hard working developer team working hard to ensure you have a great app and user experience to aid the challenges faced as an airline pilot. Thank you for choosing APDL and being a part of the NC Software team.