History items are anything that has an expiration such as medicals, flight reviews, etc. You can define History Events in Logbook Pro Desktop within the Options/History area and then when you sync Logbook Pro Desktop and subsequently sync your app the new events will be available to choose from the Event list as shown above. Tap the Item right of Event and a pick list will appear, choose the History event you're logging. It is recommended never to update a prior History event but add new ones as you accomplish them. Tap the date next to Accomplished to pick the date that the History Event occurred on or tap the blue "now" button. Tap the calculator button right of "Date Due" and the due date will be calculated automatically or updated if you changed the Accomplished date. Otherwise tap in the blank area to the left of the Calculator button and a date chooser will appear where you can select the date due if other than calculated. You can optionally enter remarks. "Bypass Calendar" (if calendar integration is enabled) when checked (tap to check) the app will not make a corresponding entry into your device's calendar. The calendar, if enabled, will show both the Accomplished and Date Due and give you an alert if set in Settings/Calendar prior to the due date. "Synchronized" will be checked if this entry was already synchronized when entered previously and can be used to allow you to enter a new certificate and tap (check) Synchronized and it will not be sent to the cloud and subsequently Logbook Pro Desktop.
New in version 8.5 and later is the combination Save and + button in the upper right of the new item entry screen. Tapping Save will save the entry and close the editor. Tapping + will save and allow for another item to be added.
The list of History items will color code the Date Due to either red or green based on whether your Date Due is in the future or past.
Logbook Pro Mobile allows you to track endorsements in all four data areas: Certificates, Ratings, History, and Flights. Your endorser can add their endorsement text, expiration date, and signature with a finger. See the Endorsements page for more details.