Logbook Pro gives you total control of the time zone handling in your application.  Time zones are only relevant for "OOOI" fields (Out, Takeoff "Off", Landing "On", and In).  Data is always stored in UTC, the time zone is for input and display only.

The time zone can be changed from the Settings / Time Zones area.

1) Device Local - Times are displayed and input in the local time zone wherever your device resides.  Pilots that travel across time zones will see that their device may change time zone depending on the device's settings.  You an always input your OOOI times in local wherever you are entering the data.

2) UTC - sets the times to UTC (also known as GMT or ZULU) time zone therefore whenever viewing or entering OOOI times the data is always in UTC.

3) Custom - when selecting this option a list of Regions will appear and then when selecting your region a list of time zones will appear.  Choose the time zone area nearest your location.  When entering or viewing OOOI values they will be represented or input in this custom time zone selected.

Settings/Synchronization also provides a time zone option to allow you to control what time zone the values use when sent to Logbook Pro Desktop.  Logbook Pro Desktop is not time zone aware so set the times accordingly (UTC recommended) for use in Logbook Pro Desktop.

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