
Logging flights is simple and fast and with the use of various settings in Settings / Flight Log you can log a flight in only a few seconds.  All of the features to speed up flight logging in Logbook Pro Desktop such as double-click to auto-enter (single tap on your device) and autofill are available to you in Logbook Pro Mobile.  Also enhanced features such as new flight auto-populate (recent recall), intervals for OOOI entries, and GPS to automatically fill in your nearest airport make logging a flight a breeze.

General Info

As shown above enter the basics for your flight including the flight date Aircraft Type, tail/fin #, route, and legs.  There are all required inputs unless error checking is turned off in Settings / Flight Log.  The aircraft list can be filtered to only show Active types (types you actively fly).  Tap the type and a pick list will appear.  The Ident is free form and you can enter it as you wish but try to keep it standardized to keep your flight logging consistent.  The Route of Flight is fluid allowing you to enter either FROM-TO or put your entire route of flight in, i.e. KDFW-KSEA-KLAX.  You can tap the black "find nearest airport" button if on the airport and you don't know the airport code and it will be entered for you.  If you tap the spacebar twice a hyphen "-" will be entered for you so you don't need to switch keyboards depending on your device.  The number of LEGS is the number of flights.  The default is 1 but if you log multiple legs as demonstrated above in KDFW-KSEA-KLAX then you can enter 2 for this route as it contains two flights (legs).

OOOI (Out, Takeoff "Off", Landing "On", In)

If you have the OOOI fields turned on in the flight log layout you can enter the data as desired.  Also depending on how the "Use Intervals" is configured will control how the fields are initialized such as with values, blank, etc.  The date will default to the Flight Date then tap into the Time portion to enter as desired.  If you have Out/In or Takeoff/Landing entered you can then tap the calculator button to the right of the Duration field and the flight time will be automatically calculated for you.  Depending on the time zone setting set which is indicated in the header above the OOOI fields this is the time zone that you should enter your data.  If "Device Local" then make the inputs in the time zone where you are located now.  The device will store all dates/times internally in UTC so that they can be translated to any other time zone at any other time should you change settings, etc.

New in version 8.5 and later is the combination Save and + button in the upper right of the new item entry screen. Tapping Save will save the entry and close the editor. Tapping + will save and allow for another item to be added.


On the flight screen tap Approaches to go to the screen above where you can specify the number of approaches to log by each type including holding.  You can manually input the values or use the - / + button to change the values.

Flight Time Inputs

If you fly multiple legs (flights) then you may want to use the Time Calculator.  As described here you can log start and end times and Logbook Pro will do the math and also offer a total which you can then transfer directly into the Duration field when done for the trip.  Tap the calculators to the right of the Duration or Simulator buttons if you wish to calculate the time based off of OOOI inputs.  If you do not have OOOI inputs entered, tapping the calculators will enter the Time Calculator total instead.  In each time field you can tap the button on the right to copy in the Duration (or SIM) value to make logging a quick and easy.  Tapping into a field will bring up the keypad where you can just press the numbers such as 2 and 5 to log a 2.5 as the decimal will be placed for you.  Duration or SIM is a required input for a valid log entry.

On the bottom of the entry screen are three options, not shown above for Pending Flight, Bypass Calendar, and Synchronized.

Pending Flight:  If the flight has not been flown and is scheduled (or Pending) then check this box.  This will highlight the flight as Red in the flight listing and also prevent it from synchronizing back to Logbook Pro Desktop unless optioned to do so in Settings/Synchronization.  When the flight is flown and times updated, tap the uncheck Pending Flight and Logbook Pro Mobile will then sync it to the cloud and to Logbook Pro Desktop.

Bypass Calendar:  When checked (tap to check) the entry will not save to your app's Calendar if calendar integration is enabled.  Otherwise when the entry is saved the appointment will be written to your device's calendar or updated if any changes to the flight were made.

Synchronized:  Normally this is left alone, however, you can manually check this (tap to check) and Logbook Pro will skip synchronizing this entry as it will be marked as already synced.  

Internal Fields

If flight entries were imported from the Schedule Importer additional information is available for reference only as used by Logbook Pro Mobile for Calendar integration.  These fields are not synchronized to Logbook Pro Desktop and are only for viewing of information that may be helpful for airline pilots.

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